Saturday, November 30, 2013

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A.  Background of the Study
Of all the four letter words there are, people despise none more than the word fear. That single word has been the root cause of more failed people than any other word. Perhaps the thing people fear most is failure, because it leads to poverty, which is their real fear. Fear is apparently a universal emotion; all persons, consciously or unconsciously, have fear in some sort.

Fear is without doubt one of the most common moods and emotions human experience.  It is by blind habit considered one of the “bad” emotions.  Fear lives in the neighborhood of anxiety and worry and keeps company with anger, greed, and jealousy.  It is rare to find anyone who embraces fear or sees it as a valuable emotion. 

According to Michael J. Formica, “Fear is manifested as our everyday anxieties where we find ourselves living in the regret of the past, or grasping at the future. Fear is more of an illusion than a reality, the probability of gaining control over it or other debilitating emotion is very high”.  Fear is like any other emotion, there are both positive and negative aspects. Negative fear is debilitating. Positive fear is exhilarating.

Fear is an unpleasant feeling of perceived risk or danger, whether it be real or imagined. Fear also can be described as a feeling of extreme dislike towards certain conditions, objects or situations such as: fear of darkness, fear of ghosts, etc. Fear may underlie some phenomena of behavior modification, although these phenomena can be explained without adducing fear as a factor in them. Furthermore, application of aversive stimuli is also often ineffective introducing change in the behavior intended to be changed. Humans can become very intimidated by fear; causing them to go along with one's wishes without caring about their own input. They can also become equally violent, and can even become deadly; it can cause an instinctive reaction to rising adrenaline levels rather than a consciously thought-out decision.

According to Saberi Roy, A psychology of fear would distinguish fear as an emotion and fear as a feeling, fear as conscious and fear as unconscious as well as fear with bodily reactions and fear without bodily reactions and fear in anxiety and fear in phobias. It would be important to understand why fear occurs and what are the bodily reactions when fear is a strong conscious emotion and how this differs from fear as a feeling which may not have bodily reactions and could be conscious but would more likely would be unconscious.

Fear is an internal condition that is caused by a real or perceived threat of disaster. From the point of view of psychology, fear is negatively colored emotional process. In the Theory of Differential Emotions by K. Izard, fear is attributed to the basic emotion that implies fear to be an innate emotional process with genetically predetermined physiological component, strictly defined facial expression and specific subjective experience. The causes of fear can be real or imaginary danger. Fear mobilizes the body for the implementation of avoiding behaviors.

According to Ross L. Talbott, fear can be positive and a negative emotion. Fear is an interesting attribute that we share with much of creation. In positive way fear is survival mechanism and motivates people to do their best. On the other hand, fear can also be a negative emotion, which destroy our future by controlling peoples. Fear in areas of life can paralyze people into inaction.

Even if there were a lot of studies done but only few of them can explain well that fear can be a positive emotion that s why researcher chooses this topic to clarify the misconception of the people that fear is not a negative emotion but also a positive emotion and tell them more about fear. Fear is a very serious emotion. It can be helpful, for assisting people in surviving, or be used to drive someone mad. It has a lot of benefits to the people who always countered fear.

Instead of dealing with the types of fear, this research paper focuses to enhance the understanding of the readers about fear and what are the benefits people can get from it.

B.   Statement of the Problem
       This study aims to answer this Question:
       1. What is fear and what are the benefits people can get from it?

C.   Significance of the Study

College and High school students. This research paper would be able to help students in choosing their liked and dreamed courses and in their daily basis decision making. Students will not get scare of doing or making a risky and hard decision in their life. Students will learn to face the fear and to overcome it. In addition, Students will learn how to overcome the fear and make it as a best friend, preparing you for progress.

For people who are always fear to do new things. This study will helps people who are afraid to go out of their Comfort Zone and people who are scare to present their views or ideas about the certain topic. Peoples who are stop pursing their dreams because of the fear of failure. In this paper, these people will learn to control and to face their fear and lastly, these people will learn to turn it into a positive feeling.

Readers. The information presented in this paper may contribute to one's own knowledge about fears and can be an additional tool to all the readings that the readers may have done so far. This study will make the readers to be aware of the benefits that a person can get by fear. Through this research, they will be able to understand how the fear can help ones to live a better life.

Future Researcher. This study will adequately help future researchers to make similar studies; since, there are still lots of concerns regarding the fear that are not discuss in this research paper due to the time constraint. This study can encourage future researchers to further study about this subject matter. This research paper can also be utilized as a source of valuable data and information that is also based on other researches and studies. Future researchers will benefit from this study, and it will provide them the facts needed to compare their study during their respective time and usability.

D.   Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses in the fear and what are the benefits that people can get from it.  Fear is said a powerful and primitive human emotion. It alerts us to the presence of danger and was critical in keeping our ancestors alive; but in these times, it is said to be a negative emotion which break or worse ones future. This study will discuss about why fear is identified as bad and the benefit that ones can get by fear and lastly how to overcome fear or turn it into a positive emotion.

Due to time constraints, this study will no longer discuss the types of fear. Moreover the researcher believes that fear have been identified by people as a negative feeling. Therefore, this study would most relevant to the continuing trend. Researcher think origin of fear lies in the unknown. Be it the darkness, ghosts, weather calamities or whatever is unknown to the man is feared the most.

E.   Materials and Methods

The research design used in this study is the clarify misconception in mhich the researcher will explain and elaborate the misconception of the people about fear. Information relevant to the study was gathered from various reference materials such as books, electronic articles, and journal articles. The data collected were used to answer the aforementioned question aimed by this research paper. 

F.   Definition of Terms

Anxiety.  A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.

Aversive stimulus. Any negative stimulus to which an organism will learn to make a response that avoids it.

Comfort ZoneA  place or situation in which you feel safe or comfortable, especially when you choose to stay in this situation, instead of trying to work harder or achieve more.     
Constraints. A limitation or restriction.

Debilitating things. Things that can stop you from reaching a goal.

Exhilarating.  Making one feel very happy, animated, or elated; thrilling. Causing strong feelings of excitement and happiness.

Illusion.  An instance of a wrong or misinterpreted perception of a sensory experience. In other words, something that looks or seems different from what it is: something that is false or not real but that seems to be true or real. (

Misconception. A view or opinion that is incorrect because based on faulty thinking or understanding.

Phenomenon. An occurrence, circumstance, or fact that is perceptible by the senses.

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