Friday, October 25, 2013

Blogpost 8: Our Greatest Fear

             While I was thinking about my next topic, the question in my mind came that what is people greatest fear? Then I decided to search about it and make it as my blog. By the way, I am taking a public speaking now and it is one of my fear. When I speech, my body starts shaking and heart beats get faster. In this blog you will know greatest fear of people. Guess it if you can! Don’t cheat! Death, Failure, Rejection or Heights that what you are thinking of but they are not the greatest fear. Just give up and read this blog to find the answer. 


 I read an article entitled “OurGreatest fear: Public Speaking” written by Laura West. According to this article, three out of every four individuals suffer from speech anxiety. Some people think the greatest fear is fear of death, but the number one fear is anxiety to speaking in public. Three out of every four individuals suffer from speech anxiety. Up to 5 percent of the world population, hundreds of millions aged between 18 and 54, experience this kind of social phobia in any given year. Women and men are equally affected.  She said our fear of speaking in front of others comes from our elementary days at school when we were called upon to recite or read in front of the class.

          Fear of public speaking or Glossophobia is a common phobia. It can range from slight nervousness to paralyzing fear and panic. Many people with a fear of public speaking avoid public speaking situations altogether, or they suffer through them with shaking hands and a quavering voice, just like me. But with preparation and persistence, we can overcome our fear. People fear public speaking more than anything else. Anxiety over a simple presentation can be debilitating. Moreover, sufferers are typically embarrassed and reluctant to admit they have a problem. They hide a deep concern about the phobia's effect on their careers in an industry that values presentation skills so highly.

 I think public speaking is scary because you're out there to the world exposed and in the spotlight. It's far more attention than most people want, especially those  who are self-conscious. Becoming comfortable with public speaking aligns with becoming comfortable with oneself. Now this fear is much more understandable to me. This must be one of most people's deepest fears - even those who are expert public speakers like US President Barack Obama, He get nervous beforehand, I'm sure. This fear is all about everybody taking notice of you, and listening to what YOU have to say. And... this is all about something that many people fear because they just don't do it often enough. So even though this fear is common - perhaps our greatest fear? 

         The absolutely worst thing you can do is ignore your fear and shy away from speaking publicly. Reducing your fear and anxiety is all about reducing your isolation and boosting your confidence. The only way to do that is to understand it, work at it, and get out there and speak.

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