Thursday, October 17, 2013

Blogpost 6: Consequences of Fear

          There are many things that we can be scared of or that bring about fear in us all in some way. What most people overlook however is that all fear actually comes from the same place, and is for the same functional reason. There are positive and negative consequences of fear, however fear is still a useful evolutionary tool in human survival. Fear is something we've all experienced and most of us would label as a negative or uncomfortable emotion Just a few days ago, when I was reciting my speech front of the audience my body was shaking, and my heart was beating so fast because of this, I’m doing awkward movement like holding an object.

         I read an article entitled “The Consequences of Fear” by Psychic Phillip. According to this article Fear causes people to stay in toxic relationships. Fear causes people to resist change. Fear causes people to repeat patterns in their lives that never worked for them and never will. Fear is about survival. Even when the threat is long past, the ego remembers and still reacts and controls. The cost to us is happiness and growth. Over time, we get further and further from our heart and our deepest longing. For many, pain defines their lives. Change can be a fearful worry to be avoided, even when necessary.

            For my own opinion, Fear effects are a form of crowd control that makes a victim to run in random directions, unable to perform most actions for a period of time. Feared creatures have a chance to break Fear when damaged. Any Fear, no matter the duration listed, will last a maximum of 8 seconds. The fact that we still have fears today and that they are still useful is testament to their being a good and not bad thing to have. There are a lot of seemingly irrational fears around today, but these likely are associated with something that was or is still dangerous, and so even these are a good thing.

             I read an article entitled “Side Effectsof Fear” by Charles Stanley.  According to this article Fear stifles our thinking and actions. It creates indecisiveness that results in stagnation. Fear hinders us from becoming the people God wants us to be. When we are dominated by negative emotions, we cannot achieve the goals He has in mind for us. A lack of self-confidence stymies our belief in what the Lord can do with our lives.  Fear can drive people to destructive habits.  Fear steals peace and contentment. 

          As I know, Fear effects have a damage limit, which appears to be based on level. Once the target takes a certain amount of damage, the fear effect will be broken, regardless of any remaining duration. This can allow you to deal a fair amount of damage to the target before it does so. Melee targets will also have to run back to the caster in order to resume attacking them, allowing ranged classes more time to deal damage. Ranged types may therefore wish to decide how far to allow melee targets to run before attacking, ideally leaving them with a long run back.

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