Thursday, October 17, 2013

Blogpost 7: Face Fear and Move Forward

Our fears are debilitating things that rob us of our energy, our dreams and our opportunity for redemption. They are very much like rubber bands flinging us back and forth into our comfort zones the moment we try and expand the possibilities. Our fears are indeed horrible figments of our imaginations, much like dreams seemingly real, yet completely fictional occurrences taking shape within the recesses of our minds.
           I noticed a long time ago that fear often comes packaged with enthrallment. We don't look away from accidents or guns; we give them our rapt attention. This tendency has obvious evolutionary advantages it's safer to keep deadly objects front-of-mind than to ignore them and as a result, our brains seem to be hardwired so that scary experiences contain hidden fascination, and fascinating experiences are often scary.

 I read an article entitled “Overcoming Fear in 8 Steps” by Dr. Carmen Harra.  I learned that  role of fear is to keep us safe, we do ourselves no favor by living in fear. To awaken our potential and draw in bigger possibilities, we must eradicate fear from our lives through daily efforts which promote our strength and self-security. After all, we all possess the inherent trait of everlasting courage which can guide us through most thing. Fear exists in our minds and manifests through our actions. Conquering our fears begins with the acknowledgment that oftentimes fear is a decision, not an inherent trait or needed component of life.

She included the eight steps to fearlessness into our everyday life and feel our fears melt away which are:
F -- Face the truth: Face the truth of your fears. Face what scares you head-on, and challenge your trepidation. 
E -- Erase negative imprints: Many times, your fears stem from your own negative experiences or from witnessing the hardships of those around you. It must be dealt with and its mental imprints removed permanently.
A -- Allow change:  Allow necessary changes to come your way, even if they may seem frightening at first. Every instance of change serves a purpose towards your highest good, and you will learn this in time.

R -- Relax:  It's essential that you take time out for yourself to relax and meditate and alleviate your anxieties. So calm down, take a breather and remind yourself that you will be shown how to resolve all things.
L -- Listen to your intuition: If you learn how to follow it, your intuition can banish your fears. This is because your intuition is like a mental GPS into the future, so that you can sense what's to come, where you need to go and ease your apprehensions of what tomorrow might hold.
E -- End feuds:  In order to nurture fearlessness, you must make peace with those around you and understand that their intentions are not to cause you harm.
S -- Selectivity:. You have to pursue things which don't inspire fear in you and make you feel completely comfortable. Select a vision for your future and stick to that mental projection until you've brought it fully to life.
S - Secure in yourself: In order to shun fear forever, you have to work on your self-esteem.  When you constantly live in the mindset of "I can't do it" or, "I'm not good enough," you narrow your window of success to a very slim opening and inadvertently put yourself down.

 I believe that  fears you don’t face become your limits. And the doubts you don’t deal with become your walls. Fear is the enemy of success. Large rewards only result from taking comparably large risks. If you're ruled by fear, you'll never take enough risks and never achieve success you deserve. Fear keeps us in the background. It convinces us we can never accomplish our dreams, tells us to keep quiet, and separates us from the ones we love. Fear has an unparalleled ability to freeze us in our tracks, and limit what we are willing to try. Fear makes us lead a smaller life.  Now, I'm actually really excited whenever I discover something that I'm afraid to do, because I know that something wonderful is going to happen--provided I summon the courage to take action.

I read another article which is Facing Fear and Finding Freedom by Joyce Meyer. According to this article, Fear is not from God but from Satan. Every time we feel fear in our life, it's a manifestation of the kingdom of darkness. Fear is the "master spirit." It's the spirit Satan uses to try to rule God's people and keep them from coming under the leadership of the true Master, Jesus Christ. Satan uses fear to keep people from enjoying life. Fear brings torment, and you surely can't enjoy life and be tormented at the same time.

         I believe that when we have already predicted the outcome for our self, we have already paralyzed our self from taking action.  It then becomes even harder to carry out whatever it is, we need to do as our subconscious mind has already told our conscious self what the outcome is, we then find our self-more stressed than before!  What we need to do is, replace these negative thoughts and worries with positive thoughts, and we do this by recalculating these risks from a positive side.  Once we have done this and analyzed our predictions and how we had come to them, then we can start the rehabilitation process of ridding our fears and keeping a positive attitude.

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