Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Blogpost 1: Fear Itself

           Of all the four letter words there are, I despise none more than the word fear. That single word has been the root cause of more failed people than any other word. Perhaps the thing people fear most is failure, because it leads to poverty, which is their real fear. 

              I asked myself what is fear all about? Why there are people who have a hard time to face or deal with their fear? Although sometime also me have difficulty to face my fear which is to stand upon the truth because there are some situation in that i cannot decide which side is right to take. All of us are faced with fear and most of us normally react in one of the two ways?  where we try to run away or freeze, where we do not know what to do and are paralyzed. Through these typical reactions, people allow their fears to play on their mind and reach uncontrollable controls. 

         I read this articles "Themes Of A Course In Miracles" by Teachers of God. According to this article, Fear is a symptom of your deep sense of loss. If, when you perceive it in others, you learn to SUPPLY the loss, the basic CAUSE of fear is removed.The Article indicate that we are not actually afraid of being fearful, and that we actually like being scared. Just look at the movies that we watch or some of the things we do in our spare time: riding huge waves, jumping out of planes and so on. The thing that really frightens us, deep down, is actually Love. As i read this article i learn that we only have two emotions that we are capable of are love and fear. Any state that is not perfectly loving is fear, the removal of which brings about a state of Peace which passeth understanding. This state is an experience that will show you the Truth: There really is not now, nor has there ever been, anything in all the world to fear. There is nothing to fear, but if you really knew that, panic and anxiety would never even occur to you.

" Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do to your fear."  Richard Wilkins 
 "This is all you have. This is not a dry run. This is your life. If you want to fritter it away with your fears, then you will fritter it away, but you won't get it back later." - Laura Schlessinger
                For my own opinion, I think origin of fear lies in the unknown. Be it the darkness, ghosts, weather calamities or whatever is unknown to the man is feared the most. If you are walking in darkness, you are afraid to go ahead, fearing what will come next. However, as the light appears, the fear tends to settle down. Fear thus, is just a manifestation of your imagination ruled by cowardliness. When we get certain information on our fears, we get relaxed.

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